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VP Public Relations

The VP Public Relations is responsible for managing the club’s web presence, including the club website and social media accounts and also for any initiatives designed to attract more guests to visit the club.


The club’s website is at:


Tasks include:

  • Arranging for reports to be produced for each club meeting and helping to upload them to the club’s website
  • Helping the club president upload monthly newsletters to the club website
  • Adding new meetings to the club website via Google Calendar
  • Responding to any general queries that are sent to the club’s main email address (1 or 2 per month)


Basic administration of the club’s MailChimp email service, including adding new guests from club guest book and changing status when members join and leave the club.


The club’s Meetup page is here:


The VPPR is responsible for adding new meetings to the club’s Meetup.com page and responding to any comments posted on the page.

Social Media

The VPPR is responsible for maintaining the clubs Facebook and Twitter accounts. This includes posting links to meeting reports and newsletters (some of which is done automatically) and adding any other updates that might be of interest to members and other followers.

Time Commitment

The VPPR role requires on average 1 hour per week of effort. On those weeks where there is no meeting the time is spent on more general PR efforts.

Every two or three months the VPPR is required to attend a committee meeting, which usually lasts around 2 hours.