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President Swarajit opened the meeting by welcoming guests and members. He spoke about the open and friendly atmosphere in Bloomsbury Speakers, which offers a safe platform for both guests and members to get up and speak in front of an audience until they gain confidence.

The Toastmaster Glen, a past president of Bloomsbury Speakers, started by commending the immediate past and current presidents for a fantastic job done. He went on to introduce the functionaries and his theme for the meeting, which was “What experience have you had (recent or otherwise) that really got your adrenaline pumping?”

Timekeeper David talked us through the green, amber and red light system for timing speeches and cautioned speakers to be mindful of the gavel.

The Grammarian, Samuel, introduced the word of the day as “Congruent”. He also gave a number of examples of rhetorical devices that speakers could use in their speeches and encouraged the use of good language generally.

Prepared Speeches

Rajeev on his number 5 speech ‘Cash in hand’  started by sharing with us his hunt for a painter and the moral dilemma of not paying tax – should he pay the painter “cash in hand”? In his speech he explained the difference between tax evasion, tax avoidance and tax abuse and how it applies to our financial activities.

In his number 9 speech ‘Somaliland’, Ahmed gave us an insight to the history of Somaliand  – an independent state that has not been recognised as such by the international community, perhaps because of its lack of natural resources. He said is always at the end of receiving bad press because of connections with Somalia however in spite of all the struggles nearby, there is still a peace haven in Somaliland.  

Joe’s advances speech on storytelling, entitled “Ups and Downs”, expressed his views and opinions on the ups and downs of success, something we all experience. Joe drew on personal stories such his time as a teenage tennis player and an episode where he was determined to climb a mountain near Marrakesh despite having food poisoning. These helped him to drive home his point about the pressure to become successful at all cost and to explore the lessons learnt.

Renars in his advanced speech persuasive speech entitled “Do you get me?” shared his fascination about the English language, how one word in English can have different meaning from one country to the other. Some example cited were: “How are you?” in Canada simply meant “Hi” and the use of filler phrases by the English such as “Do you get me” after every statement. The morale of was to be mindful when you use the English language in another country.                                                                                                                       


Ben liked the choice of Rajeev’s topic – which everyone has an opinion about – and the way he explained the possible scenarios. He also commended his natural presence, great eye contact and a friendly tone, however he was recommended to make better use of the stage.

Mike commended Ahmed on an illuminating speech and a great concept of talking about Somalia from another perspective other than the news. Other commendations were good pauses and gestures which engaged interest and the use of personal story. In closing, Mike recommended Ahmed to use more of his allotted time.

Rufina, who evaluated Joe, was impressed with the pace of his speech, timing, audience engagement and a great choice of topic. She felt the use of personal stories further enforced his message and her main recommendation was to practice the rule of three.

Paula commended Renars on choosing a captivating, catchy and punchy speech title ‘Do you get me’ and his use of humour. She also mentioned his other great qualities such as being an open, friendly and enjoyable person to watch, however she felt his speech lacked a clear structure and was not very persuasive, which was the main objective of the speech.

Table Topics

Table Topicsmaster for the evening was Kate. Participants were given were given 6 different day jobs which could pump up their adrenaline. The questions – and speakers who tackled them – were as follows:

  • “Tell us why you are great at diffusing bomb in a serious environment?” Jo informed us that although she’s not very good at diffusing bombs she could however shepherd everyone away from it.
  • “Tell us the benefit of pick pocketing or bag snatcher?” Adam outlined his reasons which were: the great items you get, meeting people and the thrill it gives you.
  • “Why do you enjoy been a bungee jumper?” Samuel enlightened us on the excitement factor and the great weight loss technique it offers.
  • “What will make you a good lion tamer?” Eva informed us she would not dare go near lions however she will tend to sheep instead because of their gentle nature.
  • “The great benefit of been a formula one driver?” Jonathan cheerfully educated us that the car does the work while he gets the thrill and the dream of dating a Pussycat Doll, like Louis Hamilton.
  • What will make you a good shoplifter? Joowan informed us of her 5yrs experience in shoplifting, attributing her success to her innocent looks and the love of it.


Best Table Topics award went to Adam for his impromptu justification for been a pick pocket.

 Best Evaluator went to Paula for her precise evaluation of Renars advance speech.

 Best Speech went to Renars for his advanced persuasive speaking “Do you get me?”

 Rajeev after delivering his 5th speech received a ‘Half-Competent Communicator’ award.

Next meeting

Please note our next two events – our regular meeting thisMonday 19th August and our topics workshop onMonday, 2nd September have been moved over to The Real Man Pizza Company. However it reverts back our regular venue upstairs at The Clerk & Well pub, 156 Clerkenwell Road, EC1R 5DU on on Monday, 9th September 2013 

Doors open at 6.30pm for a prompt 6.45pm start.

Hello and welcome to the August newsletter!

Despite the unusually pleasant UK summer this year, we’ve already had several well-attended events in July, including a full programme of regular meetings, a ‘Speakathon’ and a special Humorous Speech and Table Topics workshop.

August and September promise more of the same with another workshop, more meetings and the start of the contest season to look forward to.

If you don’t have time to read the whole newsletter, you can skip to the bottom for a short summary of the main points.

What’s happened since the last newsletter?

Since the last newsletter we had two further meetings including a special ‘speakathon’ event in which member Samuel passed the half-way point in his competent communication manual. Samuel’s fifth speech was about his experience at the Mua Missionary in Malawi, and he was awarded with a special ribbon to mark this significant milestone.

We also had an excellent Humorous Speech and Table Topics workshop run by former champions Ola Aralepo and David Jones in preparation for the upcoming contest season, which I hope will encourage everyone who attended to enter the contests in September.

What’s planned for August?

With a bank holiday at the end of August, we only have room for our two regular meetings this month. Note that the second meeting has therefore been moved forward to the 19th.

  • Monday, 12th August – Regular Meeting – We have a full programme for our first meeting of this month, but there are still a couple of pre-bookable table topic slots available on ClubPlan. Past president Glen will be running the meeting as Toastmaster, so this is a great opportunity to learn from observing one of our most talented members at work – more from him below!
  • Monday, 19th August – Regular Meeting – Although all of the prepared speech slots have been taken, at the time of writing we still need a few members to step in and evaluate them. Advanced speaker Michael will be taking on the role of Toastmaster for the first time and will appreciate your support.

Dates for your diary

With the contest season approaching, we have several events coming up that will be of interest to those of you who intend to compete or take part in other ways (e.g. as a contest judge or functionary) – plus a club social open to everyone!

  • Monday, 2nd September – Table Topics Workshop – Following on from David Jones’s workshop in July, experienced member Hari will be running a smaller event for members who are considering entering the club contest below. The night will consist of several rounds of impromptu speaking practice to help you overcome those nerves and work towards giving a contest-winning table topic! Book your place on ClubPlan.
  • Monday, 16th September – Bloomsbury Speakers Humorous Speech & Table Topics Contests – Booking for contest places is already open on ClubPlan, but keep an eye out for an invitation from our VP Education Jo with everything you need to know. If you don’t intend to compete but would like to help with organising or running the event, please contact Jo via education@bloomsburyspeakers.org.uk. We’re also looking for members who are willing to go and judge at other clubs’ contests – again contact Jo if you’d like to help.
  • Thursday, 26th September – Area 34 Humorous Speech & Table Topics Contests – The winners from our club contests will go on to compete against winners from the other clubs in our area of London: Holborn Speakers, Tube Talk, Lawspeak, Society Speakers and Clerkenwell Speakers.
  • Friday, 4th October – Bloomsbury Speakers Club Social – Save the date! Hari is also organising an evening social event for members and guests alike. This seems likely to be a meal in a central London location, but full details are yet to be confirmed. However, if you’d like to register your interest in attending, please e-mail info@bloomsburyspeakers.org.uk.
  • Saturday, 5th October – Division L Humorous Speech & Table Topics Contests – the top placed contestants in September’s Area 34 contests will go on to face the best speakers from the other areas in North & Central London.
  • Friday 8th-Sunday 10th November – District 71 Humorous Speech & Table Topics Contests – The contest season culminates in Colchester with the winners from all the divisions around the country competing in the UK & Ireland finals at the District 71 Boadicea Conference.

Update on membership freeze

As promised, the club committee has been keeping the membership freeze under review and has now decided to open up a waiting list from this month to anyone who is interested in joining. The membership situation will be reviewed again in September (and again in October if necessary) after which we will decide whether to admit new members into the club, starting with any names on the waiting list.

If you would like to add your name to the waiting list, please e-mail info@bloomsburyspeakers.org.uk. In the meantime, guests are always welcome to attend our meetings as often as they want.

Tip of the Month: Read this interview!

This month’s tip is quite simple: read this interview that I found while looking through old posts on our own website!

It’s an interview with our own past president Glen about his experience in the 2010 humorous speech and table topics contests in which he finished in second place for both at the (London-wide) division level.

Whether you’ve entered before or are a fairly new member thinking about entering for the first time, it’s well worth a read for some tips and insights from a former contest winner.


That’s all for now. See you at a meeting soon!

Swarajit Das
Bloomsbury Speakers

Key facts – just the stuff you really need to know

  • We have two meetings in August. There are still some table topic slots up for grabs on Monday, 12th and evaluator slots on Monday, 19th. Sign up on ClubPlan.
  • We have a night of table topics practice for members who are considering entering the contest in September. The workshop will take place on Monday, 2nd September and places can be booked on ClubPlan.
  • The contest night itself will be on Monday, 16th September. Booking for contest places is already open on ClubPlan, but look out for an e-mail invitation shortly from our VP Education Jo.
  • The following contest rounds are scheduled for Thursday, 26th September (area level), Saturday, 5th October (division level) and 8th-10th November (UK & Ireland finals).
  • We’re planning a club social (most likely dinner in a central location) for Friday, 4th October – contact info@bloomsburyspeakers.org.uk to register your interest in attending.
  • We have re-opened our waiting list for membership of the club – contact info@bloomsburyspeakers.org.uk to add yourself to the list.


President Swarajit welcomed guests and members to the meeting and spoke about the benefits of visiting other clubs in order to get experience in front of an unfamiliar audience. He also mentioned that the first meeting of Bloomsbury’s sister club Clerkenwell Speakers had taken place and encouraged members to visit it for themselves.

The Toastmaster Henry commended people for attending despite the hot weather. He spoke about the format for the meeting and introduced his theme – decisions – telling his own story of how a reluctant decision to go out for a drink led to him meeting his partner and now mother of his three children.

Timekeeper Liz talked us through the green, amber and red light system for timing speeches and ended with a quote: “a man who dares to waste one hour of life has not discovered the value of life” – Charles Darwin.

The Grammarian, Helen, introduced the word of the day as “ineffable” and also gave a number of examples of rhetorical devices that speakers could use via quotes from her favourite films.

Prepared Speeches

In his second speech, entitled “Stress”, Peter told the story of an illness in 2005 that gave him gout, diabetes and caused a large weight gain. He explained how he had sought alternatives to drugs which were effective but caused many side effects and educated us in the three-pronged approach of visualisation, habitualisation and meditation.

In his No. 3 speech entitled “Procrastination” Michael told us that Shakespeare’s Hamlet was one of the great procrastinators. In fact his famous “To be or not to be” speech was really a delaying tactic we were told. In a very practical speech he told us about the reasons for procrastination and offered some solutions. He also told us about his friend who had painted his entire house in the final week of his MA to avoid studying!

Samuel’s No. 6 speech “Rabbits and Spiders” told of his fascination with stories from his childhood in Malawi, particularly those involving rabbits and spiders. He went on to tell a story called “Storytelling” about Anansi the spider who wanted to buy all the stories in the world from the sky god, who demanded three offerings.

In an advanced speech concerned with “Speaking to Inform” and entitled “From The Heart” Harry presented the results of his research into the causes and preventative measures for heart disease. He shared a personal story of a friend who had suffered a heart attack early in life and shared the four components of an approach proposed by pioneering specialist Dean Ornish which could not only arrest but in fact reverse heart disease: Diet, Exercise, Stress Reduction, Loving Support. In the second part of his speech Hari handled questions from the audience.


Kate thought Peter’s speech was very high standard for a number 2 speech. She commended him on how he felt at home on the stage, great smile,  confidence and delivered an engaging speech.

Carrie who evaluated Michael, loved the way he framed his speech with a quote “To be or not to be” and linked it to the whole speech and was recommended to include more personal experiences.

Ahmed, in evaluating Samuel’s No. 6 speech commended him on a great stage presence and good story telling skills however in conclusion he recommended Samuel uses more vocal variety.

Glen evaluated Hari’s advanced speech. He commended the way he had weaved his research into the other elements of his speech and recommended he employ a wider variety of hand gestures.

Table Topics

Table Topicsmaster for the evening was Rajeev who took his inspiration from stories currently in the news, asking fellow Toastmasters and guests to tackle a variety of questions including:

What advice would you give to the parents of the Royal baby?

How would you improve cycling in London?

What pseudonym would you choose to write a book under?

How are you personally coping with the heat?

Which comic book superheroes would you combine for a Hollywood film?
What excuse would you use to take an animal into a restaurant?


Best Table Topics award went to Glen for his impromptu justification for taking a dog into a McDonald’s.

Best Evaluator went to Kate for her precise evaluation of Peter’s No. 2 speech.

Best Speech went to Hari for his advanced fact-finding presentation about heart health.

Next meeting

Our next regular meeting will be held on Monday, 29th July 2013 upstairs at The Clerk & Well pub, 156 Clerkenwell Road, EC1R 5DU.

Doors open at 6.30pm for a prompt 6.45pm start.

The post Meeting Report for 13 May 2013 appeared first on Bloomsbury Speakers.





Still very fresh, our President Swarajit opened the meeting by giving a brief history and the purpose of toastmasters before introducing the toastmaster for the evening.

Joe Lake the toastmaster explained the three-part programme – 6 prepared speeches and evaluations with no impromptu speaking as it was a special evening to give members an opportunity to do their speeches.  He introduced a theme for the evening:  “Holidays, your favourite holiday and a place you wouldn’t like to go”.  He also introduced two of the ‘functionaries’  the timekeeper and the harkmaster who would be helping him run the meeting:

  • Marie – the Timekeeper – kept watch of the time and reported back to the audience how everyone used their allocated time.

Prepared speeches

Helen kick-started her 2nd speech entitled, ‘In your pocket’, with an intriguing question, “What do you have in your pocket?”.  Almost everyone had a mobile phone in their pocket which reinforced findings from Ofcom that 92% of the population uses mobile for calls and data. The history of mobile phones was outlined and how it has changed us and made us more spontaneous.

Rufina on her 3rd speech entitled ‘Where should I relocate next?’ started by expressing her frustration with the unstable weather conditions, especially in Britain. Next, she described the extreme hot weather in her home country Ghana were everyone had a compulsory tan – whether or not they wanted one. We then heard a comparison of a number of countries before New Zealand was eventually revealed as her preferred choice because of its amazing landscape, relaxed lifestyle and favourable weather.

Rajeev in his number 4 speech entitled ‘Summer starts’ took us on a journey of failed attempts to get his summer started before he finally succeeded. On his first attempt to enjoy summer, he lost his personal assistant which turn out to be his mobile phone. The second time he tried cycling around, his trusted steed had a puncture 30minutes into it. However on the last attempt to enjoy summer finally came true when he had an unplanned BBQ at home with his friends.

Joowon set about her number 2 speech entitled ‘New Trend in Bonus culture’ and in setting off her speech asked the audience which of them had shopped in the retail shop John Lewis & Waitrose in the last 8 months. As a strategy,  we heard how John Lewis set up a mutual scheme where every employee was made a shareholder thereby enjoying bonuses. In so doing employees were motivated to speak directly with customers to know what they wanted and brought those feedback to the boardrooms. The pros & cons of this bonus scheme were outlined in the rest of Joowon’s speech.

Sam gave his 5th speech entitled ‘Mua Mission’ an amazing little church in the middle of a bush in Malawi. He said if there was a secret wonder of the world it could be counted as one. It was oozing with wonderful and detailed carvings including that of 8 foot carved men with shields and spears that look very real. Some carvings looked like that of Picasso where he got his inspiration from. The church was headed by a Canadian priest who was initiated into Mua’s secret society.

Michael began his advanced management speech entitled ‘New Deal’ by promoting the progress and success of his company, Age UK as the largest retailers of gas and electricity. In continuing customer loyalty, he expounded on how a new change was been introduced where people can buy energy on a yearly contract basis. “This new scheme will,” he explained, “work just like buying insurance and they are confident that customers will remain and still attract more based on their bonus system.”


Elena commended Helen’s use of question in the opening of her speech because it immediately engaged the audience and she was very pleased with her strong conclusion. Other commendations given were great body language, voice projection and pauses, however she could give the speech from another point of view.

Henry who evaluated Rufina’s third speech commended her on a well structured and conversational speech. He described Rufina as a queen of hand gestures which worked well in addition to injecting good jokes. However the speech was heavily based on the weather and he was not entirely convinced she would moved solely because of the weather.

Femi enjoyed Rajeev’s speech enormously which was a feast of beautiful words that could be heard over and over again without getting bored. He also liked the great structure of the speech however spotted a grammatical error and advised Rajeev to avoid these as they can undermine a speaker’s credibility.

Ratan before evaluating Joowon’s speech briefly outlined the objectives of her speech. He  started by commending her on a good opening which drew the audience in, picking a subject matter everyone could relate to and for delivering a very informative speech. His recommendation was for her not to apologise to the audience but go ahead with the message.

Glen thought Sam’s speech was fantastic as he took us on a Mua Mission journey. He commended his impressive stage presence and firm stance which he also cheekily likened to that of a bouncer. But he was fascinated about the story and the details of the art brought the story to life for Glen. Glen’s recommendation was to be more concrete about what knowledge he had.

Hari started Michael’s evaluation by outlining the speech objectives and praised him for the sincerity of his speech. Despite the sincerity, Hari felt he was not entirely clear about the changes being described. All the same, he commended Michael on bringing to life information that was new to the audience and how Michael had improved a lot in his speeches.



Janet the Harkmaster tested the audience’s listening skills by asking questions based on speeches heard in the evening. Who ever got the correct answer was rewarded with a chocolate.

Dele Ogun a member of Early Birds toastmasters club was our General Evaluator for the evening. He gave expert feedback for all those that had not yet been evaluated and for the club as a whole.


Swarajit made some club announcements and gave out awards based on votes from the audience:

  • Sam after delivering his 5th speech received a ‘half-competent communicator’ award.
  • Best evaluator went to Glen.
  • Best speaker went to Helen and Michael.

Next meeting

Our next regular meeting will be held on Monday, 22nd July 2013 upstairs at The Clerk & Well pub, 156 Clerkenwell Road, EC1R 5DU.

Doors open at 6.30pm for a prompt 6.45pm start.

Hello and welcome to the July newsletter!

This is my first newsletter as your new President, and I’m very much looking forward to fulfilling this and all the other duties that come with the role over the next twelve months. Of course I can’t do it alone, but our new committee members  Jo, Rajeev, Rufina, Ahmed, Paula and Marie have already made their presence felt and I’m sure they’ll continue to do so.

I must also thank our Immediate Past President, Femi, who took the club to greater heights than ever before, along with the outgoing committee members including Joe, Glen and Elena.

It’s a hard act for us to follow, but we aim to keep the standard of our meetings and member experience as high as ever.

Anyway, let’s get on with this month’s newsletter…

If you don’t have time to read the whole thing, you can skip to the bottom of the newsletter for a short summary of the main points.

What’s happened since the last newsletter?

Since Femi’s last newsletter as President, we had a further three meetings in June which included icebreaker speeches from two of our newest members, Peter and Marie, as well as a No. 10 speech from long-serving member Adam which meant that he achieved his Competent Communicator award and help the club as a whole achieve the status of ‘President’s Distinguished Club’ – the highest level of recognition awarded by Toastmasters International.

What’s planned for July?

Even half way into the month, we still have plenty to look forward to in July:

  • Monday, 8th July – Regular Meeting – Our first meeting of the new Toastmasters year featured an icebreaker from Liz, as well as speeches from experienced members Henry and Glen. Check out the meeting report for a recap.
  • Monday, 15th July – ‘Speakathon’ – After the success of our first Speakathon event in April, we’ve decided to provide the opportunity for more members to get through their speeches by arranging another one for this Monday’s extra meeting. There will be seven prepared speeches evaluated by some of our most experienced members – a great learning opportunity for all.
  • Monday, 22nd July – Regular Meeting – The programme for this meeting is filling up fast, but at the time of writing we still have room for one more prepared speech and are looking for someone to evaluate it. There’s also a timekeeper slot available, which is ideal for anyone looking to perform their first functionary role in a meeting.
  • Monday, 29th July – Humorous Speech & Table Topics Workshop – We’re very privileged to have speaking champions Ola Aralepo and David Jones visiting us at the end of the month to help us prepare for the contests coming up in September. This workshop is not to be missed if at all possible, so book your FREE place at http://bloomsbury-workshop-29-july-2013.eventbrite.co.uk/.

Membership freeze and new club Clerkenwell Speakers

While Bloomsbury Speakers’ membership remains frozen for the time being, preparations are in full flow for Clerkenwell Speakers’ first meeting this Wednesday, 17th July downstairs at The Real Man Pizza Company from 6:30pm. Come along if you can make it!

All current Bloomsbury Speakers members have been added to Clerkenwell’s ClubPlan so that they can take advantage of opportunities to speak at their meetings. Our members should already have received an e-mail with a link to get started, but if you have any problems logging in then contact the club via clerkenwellspeakers@gmail.com.

For those of you who are keen to join Bloomsbury Speakers in particular, we still intend to reopen our membership at the end of September, but plan to keep this under review. To register your interest in joining, please contact membership@bloomsburyspeakers.org.uk.

Tip of the Month: Don’t neglect your leadership manual

It’s safe to say that most people join a Toastmasters club to improve their skills in speaking in front of an audience, and the way most of us like to do this is by getting through the projects in the Competent Communication manual. Sadly, this means that the second manual that is provided to all members, the Competent Leadership (CL) manual, is often just left to one side and forgotten about.

Every role performed at one of our meetings is an opportunity to practice speaking in front of an audience as well as to demonstrate critical thinking, organisation and leadership skills.

Almost every functionary role can count towards one of the projects in your CL manual, and what’s more, any member who completes their CL award is entitled to a £15 discount on their next membership renewal.

There are also plenty of ways outside our regular meetings of completing your CL projects – helping to organise contests or workshops are one example of this. Organising a PR campaign for the club is another. Serving on the committee also counts towards an advanced leadership award.

So my message to you is simple: dig out your CL manual and start thinking about how the roles you’re performing between each prepared speech count towards one of the ten projects. If you need help or advice then speak to your mentor or contact our VP Education Jo at education@bloomsburyspeakers.org.uk.

That’s about it for this month. See you at a meeting soon!

Swarajit Das
Bloomsbury Speakers

Key facts – just the stuff you really need to know

  • Bloomsbury Speakers achieved the President’s Distinguished Club award in 2012-13 – the highest level of recognition awarded by Toastmasters International!
  • Our ‘Speakathon’ takes place on Monday, 15th July and our last regular meeting of the month is on Monday, 22nd July. Sign up for the remaining speaking slots on ClubPlan. As usual, we meet from 6:30pm for a 6:45pm start.
  • We’re hosting a Humorous Speech & Table Topics Workshop run by former champions Ola Aralepo and David Jones on Monday, 29th July. Sign up for your FREE place at http://bloomsbury-workshop-29-july-2013.eventbrite.co.uk/.
  • New club Clerkenwell Speakers meets for the first time on Wednesday, 17th July. All current Bloomsbury Speakers members have been added to their ClubPlan and are encouraged to take advantage of the extra opportunities to speak.