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Contest Report – 16th September 2013


Bloomsbury Speakers hosted its Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contest this Monday with the president Swarajit kick-starting the meeting by introducing the agenda for the evening and the Contest Chair Nazia. Nazia welcomed the judges and outlined the procedures for the contestants as well. The first half was the Humorous Speech section and the second half was be the Table Topics section, each consisting of 5 contestants.

Humorous Speech Contest

Setting the pace with his speech entitled “Grumpy Brits” Joe reminded us of how grumpy London Underground users can be. This grumpy trait ceases to exist if they happen to be in a Wimbledon queue where politeness takes over. However when using the Underground, 3 rules apply – no eye contact, no smiling and no eye contact! Everyone pretends to study their Kindle, phone or the tube map no matter how many times they have made the journey.


Joe receiving his award

Second Speaker Renars in his speech entitled “Do you get me?” shared his fascination with the English language, particularly how one word in English can have different meaning in several countries. Two examples cited were: “How are you?” in Canada simply meant “Hi”, not an open door to give an account of your day. Lastly the use of filler words such as ‘Right’ and “Do you get me?” after every statement. The moral of the story was to be mindful when you use the English language in another country.


Renars’ award

The third Speaker was Peter with his speech entitled “Running Demon”. Peter explained how he has become accustomed to hearing voices telling him things to do such as to move to Haiti, engage in public speaking or to take part in a marathon, which he always obeys. During his training, other runners kept overtaking him and even a little dog stopped and shook his head at him with sympathy. Despite the challenges he successfully completed a 10-mile run in preparation for the marathon.


Peter receiving his award

Samuel, with his speech entitled “Disco Dancing””, started by entertaining us with some dance moves. He took us on a journey to his childhood in the 80s, at 11 years old where he had his first disco experience. Samuel went on to show us three of his top moves – the Kissing Cobra, Monkey Magic and Dragon’s Whip. In conclusion, although he enjoyed and still enjoys disco, he has now retired from it.


Samuel receiving his award

Hari the last speaker for the first section shared his experience and challenges of handing out fliers for his upcoming fitness workshop. Despite choosing a distribution point near a gym, the task did not prove any easier. Instead he observed various reactions. There were those who pretended to be on the telephone, some were in a hurry, others were scared, etc. In spite of the challenges he knew with persistence success will come your way.

Table Topics Speech Contest

In the second half of the meeting, Kate introduced the table topics contest, where each contestant was required to give a 1-2 minute response to the same question:

“Some people think aliens created the pyramids; what are your thoughts?”

Hari vivaciously informed us that aliens created much more than pyramids with one, Lector, hiding in our basement. All any doubter needed to do was hit the Google search or find out from our very own alien.


Hari receiving his award

Emotionally-charged Glen wanted to know who these “some people” were. Could they in fact be right? With all the mystics about pyramids has anyone built one or know anyone who has? That someone was audience member Kaveh, because he raised his hand.


Glen receiving his award

Renars convinced us that it’s not hard to believe they built the pyramids. It all started when bored aliens in their language communicated among themselves drew a plan and started putting up the structures together.

Joe informed us that although no one knows how they did it, those little green monsters thriving in magma with many hands drilled, burrowed and delivered huge stones to build the pyramids.

Femi took us back to ancient times when ordinary people without special skills did extraordinary things. He argued that the Egyptians built the pyramids but we in today’s society cannot imagine how ordinary people with primitive technology built the pyramids; rather we reason there must be some mysterious about them, that they must be aliens.


When the judges’ ballots had been counted and checked, drum rolls were provided by the audience and with suspense built up by the chief judge the results were announced.

In the Humorous Speech contest:

  • Third place went to Hari
  • Second place went to Samuel
  • First Place went to Renars

In the Table Topics Speech Contest:

  • Third place went to Renars
  • Second place went to Hari
  • First place went to Glen

Chief Judge Gary reads the results


Contestants pose with the club banner and president Swarajit


President Swarajit presents flowers to contest organiser Jo

Group contest 2

Contestants and organisers pose with contest chairs Nazia and Kate

The Next Round – Area 34 Contest

Congratulations to all our contestants and particularly to Renars and Glen who will now go on to represent the club at the Area 34 contest on Thursday, 26th September at 55 Broadway, directly above St. James’s Park tube station. If you would like to attend (and we encourage everyone to do so!) please e-mail president@bloomsburyspeakers.org.uk to get your name on the guest list.