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June Newsletter – the new committee and a new club!

Hello and welcome to the June newsletter!

As you may know, June is the last month of the Toastmasters year and a new committee takes over in July. I’m pleased to announce that we already have the new committee in place – complete with a brand new President – and I’ll share the identities and responsibilities of the new team later in this newsletter.

But first and since this is my very last newsletter as Club President, I want to thank my committee officers Swarajit, Elena, Joe, Jo and Glen for their dedication, hard work and unwavering support over the last twelve months.

Not only have I enjoyed their support every step of the way, together we have built Bloomsbury Speakers into a more attractive, friendly and successful club. 

We are also on course to achieve ‘President Distinguished Club’ status at the end of this month, which is the highest honour that a Toastmasters club can receive from Toastmasters International.

My deepest thanks goes out to the committee for making my term as President such a treat; you are some of the finest Toastmasters I have ever worked with.

I also want to thank all our members. Whether old or new, experienced or beginner, your abundant enthusiasm and unrelenting commitment to your speaking and leadership goals has elevated our club’s status and meeting experiences so much so that we have become one of the most sought after clubs in London.

While I will miss being President, I now look forward to supporting the club in other ways and getting back into performing some of the functionary roles during our regular meetings.

On with this week’s newsletter!

As usual, you can skip to the bottom of the newsletter for a short summary of the main points.

What’s happened since the last newsletter?

We had two meetings in May, each featuring a diverse range of Toastmasters speeches from ice-breakers given by brand new members to advanced speeches from more experienced members.

What’s more, despite some people being away on holiday, we still had a good turn-out and enjoyed very upbeat meetings.

What’s planned for June?

Unlike May when we only had two meetings, June is brimming with four meetings: two regular ones and two extras:

  • Monday 3rd June – Regular Meeting – this has already occurred but featured a humorous theme and some speeches of a very high standard.
  • Monday 10th June – Regular Meeting – prepared speaking slots and functionary roles are already booked up for this meeting but there is one more topic slot up for grabs.


  • Monday 17th June – Extra Meeting – like the earlier two meetings virtually all slots are gone with the table topics slots being the only remaining ones yet to be fully booked.
  • Monday 24th June – Regular Meeting – We are still looking for a Grammarian and a Topics evaluator for this meeting, and as always you can still take part in the table topics session by booking one of the slots in advance!

New Club – Clerkenwell Speakers

Bloomsbury Speakers and Holborn Speakers (our sister club) are teaming up to form a new club – Clerkenwell Speakers – in our area this summer.

In just a little over three years since its inception, Bloomsbury Speakers has grown to over 50 members whereas the typical Toastmaster club has 20-30 members; essentially we have been helping twice as many people overcome their phobia of public speaking than the average Toastmasters club!

However, this has also created challenges most notably an enormous demand on speaking slots and roles in the club. As a result, we have had to consistently supplement our standard two regular meetings with an extra couple of meetings.

What’s more, membership has now been frozen until the end of September, meaning that sadly we are not admitting aspiring guests who would like to join our club.

The same scenario is more or less being played out at Holborn where membership is around 60 folks with the club already meeting three times a month to cope with demand.

In light of this situation (which was the same scenario that led Holborn Speakers to form Bloomsbury Speakers three years ago) we are creating a new club to give existing members more speaking opportunities and guests who we can’t be admitted into Holborn and Bloomsbury a chance to join Toastmasters!

Here are the key points to note about the new club:

For Everyone

  • Venue – The Real Man Pizza Company 91-95 Clerkenwell Rd City of London, EC1R 5BX (directly opposite our current venue)
  • Meeting days – First and third Wednesdays of the month
  • Meeting time – arrive from 6:30pm for a 6:45pm start
  • Start date – July Summer 2013 – Exact date yet to be confirmed

Existing Members

  • Membership – members from Bloomsbury may transfer their membership to the new club at no extra cost (admission is on a first come, first serve basis). When it’s time for renewal, you will be entitled to renew at the same fee rates as you would at Bloomsbury rates and this includes an entitlement to the CC and CL discounts if relevant.
  • Participation – Every member at Bloomsbury Speakers will have free access to book speech and role slots at Clerkenwell Speakers, although transfer members may have priority access to speech slots.
  • Committee – If you would like to get involved in running the club, simple email me at president@bloomsburyspeakers.org.uk or come and speak to me at the end of a meeting.


  • Joining – If you would like to become a member of Clerkenwell Speakers or want to know more about it, I suggest you attend the first meeting, which is likely to take place in July and then approach the committee members or the President about joining at the end of the meeting. Please write to me at president@bloomsburyspeakers.org.uk so that I can get the committee of the club to liaise with you and notify you about the first meeting date the moment it is confirmed.

Bloomsbury Speakers 2013/14 Committee – who’s who in the new line-up?

After the invitations to members to get involved in the committee over the last six weeks, discussions were held with those interested in becoming committee officers, and here’s now the new line-up with responsibilities:

  • Swarajit (currently VPE) – President – has overall responsibility for the successful running of the club
  • Jo (currently Secretary) – VP Education – ensures that we run successful meetings with all roles filled and that the club’s educational goals are met
  • Rajeev  – VP Membership & Mentoring – looks after new and existing members to help them get the most out of the club and meet their personal development goals
  • Ahmed – Treasurer – responsible for controlling the club finances to ensure stability and continuity for all members
  • Paula – Secretary – responsible for club administration, particularly with regards to committee meetings and decision making
  • Rufina – VP Public Relations – responsible for raising the club profile and attracting new guests, e.g. via website and mailing list
  • Marie – Sergeant at Arms – responsible for setting up the room before and after each meeting. The SAA also has a regular slot giving guest introductions (unless taking on another role).

World Child Cancer – an opportunity to use speaking skills for a good cause

We were recently contacted by a charity called World Child Cancer that is looking for volunteer speakers to speak 1-2 times a month in their local community in support of the charity.

Some training is provided and this is a great opportunity for those speakers who already have a few months experience with the club.

Contact info@bloomsburyspeakers.org.uk and we’ll send you some more details.

Tip of the Month: Attend and speak at as many meetings as possible

Eight weeks ago, after delivering a presentation about the work of my division to newly employed colleagues, one of them approached me and said, “Wow! I’m really impressed with your presentation… you are such a natural at speaking in front of an audience!”

Although, I smiled and thanked her for compliments, I didn’t quite agree with her assessment of me being a ‘natural’ because I know how awful I was before I joined Toastmasters over 6 years ago.

What she was witnessing is the product of many nights of practising public speaking at Holborn Speakers meetings – where I first joined Toastmasters in the summer of 2006 – and at Bloomsbury Speakers where I’m a regular now.

I’m not more naturally gifted at delivering presentations than the average person, but I give plenty of prepared and impromptu speeches at Toastmasters. I’m not talented at connecting with an audience, but I talk to hundreds of people in and outside of Toastmasters every year.

No-one is born an eloquent speaker. Actually, from my own personal experiences of maternity wards, we were all born crying! Yet over time we learnt how to speak. Likewise, acquiring confidence and the knack for public speaking takes place over time not suddenly.

What makes the difference is regular practice. I say regular practice because the kind of change you want to see happens incrementally.

So my friends, I’d like to challenge you to attend every meeting or every other one. And when you are at a meeting, aim to do a speech or a role. If you can’t do a role, do a table topic! It’s all about stage time – regular practice!

In closing, let me remind you that great accomplishments depend not so much on ingenuity as on hard work. That is why Thomas Edison made the statement that “genius is one percent inspiration, and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”

Right, that’s all! It’s been a pleasure to serve you for the last 12 months.

All that remains for me is to wish Swarajit and his new team good luck. And for Bloomsbury Speakers, I know you will go on to even greater heights.

Best regards!

Femi Asaolu
Outgoing President
Bloomsbury Speakers

Key facts – just the stuff you really need to know

  • Meetings – Our remaining meetings in June take place on Monday 10th, 17th and 24th. Please note: the meeting on the 10th has a venue change – The Real Man Pizza Company
  • Speaking Slots – There are still functionary roles available in the last meeting Monday 24th, and remember you can book a table topic slot in advance at any of the meetings
  • New Committee – From next month, we have a new committee: Swarajit (President), Jo (VP Education), Rajeev (VP Membership & Mentoring), Ahmed (Treasurer), Paula (Secretary), Rufina (VP Public Relations) and Marie (Sergeant at Arms)
  • New Club – Together with Holborn Speakers we are forming a new club – Clerkenwell Speakers – which is scheduled to start in July and will meet on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. If you want to join the new club as a guest, transfer your membership as an existing member, or simply participate in the club, please write me for more details at president@bloomsburyspeakers.org.uk.
  • Would you like to become a volunteer speaker for World Child Cancer? Get in touch!